How Long Does it Take? Ann Arbor Home Remodeling Timeline

So you have remodeling goals and know what remodeling project you need to accomplish. But how long will each project take and what factors influence this? In the blog below, you'll discover detailed remodeling timelines, insights into the factors that can slow down your remodel, and valuable expertise from your trusted local Ann Arbor remodeling expert.

How Long Does a Kitchen Remodel Take?

Your timeline for remodeling a kitchen varies depending on the scope of the project and factors such as the kitchen's size, the extent of changes, and the availability of materials and contractors. Generally, a straightforward kitchen remodel might take anywhere from two and a half to six months, excluding the design phase, which can take several weeks. The process typically involves several key stages, and sometimes, obstacles or hold-ups may arise.

We begin with the design and planning phase, which takes several weeks to months as we develop the design, finalize it, select materials, and obtain the necessary permits. Once planning is complete, the demolition phase begins, and the timeline depends on the complexity of removing existing fixtures and structures.

The actual construction and installation phase follows, encompassing tasks such as framing, plumbing, electrical work, and installing new fixtures and appliances. This stage can span several months, depending on the project's intricacy.

The finishing touches, including painting, flooring installation, and any remaining details, may take several weeks to months. Delays can occur due to unforeseen issues, changes in design, or material availability.

It's crucial to work closely with contractors, communicate clearly, and plan meticulously to ensure a smooth process and timely completion of your kitchen remodeling project.

What is the Duration of a Bathroom Remodel?

Construction for a bathroom remodel can take anywhere from two and a half months to four months, depending on the scope of work. Like the kitchen remodel, this does not include the design phase. Once we work through the design of your bathroom remodel, the next step is demolition.

This phase typically only lasts a few days, but sometimes reveals piping, wiring, or plumbing that needs extra time to adjust. The construction stage takes the longest—up to several months—and is influenced by fixture choices, whether we need to redo plumbing and move spaces around, and even the type of lighting choices and windows that you select. Understanding the broad time range it takes to remodel a bathroom is only the first part. The second part is understanding that the room itself, finishes, and fixtures all contribute to the timeline.

What is the Custom Home Construction Timeframe?

Construction for a custom home can take anywhere from ten to fifteen months, depending on the scope of work. This does not include the design phase.

The initial phase in custom home construction involves selecting a lot, a custom home builder, and then delving into the design phase, which includes obtaining permits, building, and finalizing plans. This typically takes multiple months due to the important questions and choices involved.

The construction phase follows, encompassing foundation work, framing, roofing, and interior installations, with durations ranging from ten to 15 months. The timeline depends on the project's scope, design choices, and external factors.

External factors such as weather conditions and unforeseen challenges may influence the timeline. Effective coordination with contractors and adherence to a well-planned schedule can mitigate potential delays. Post-construction tasks, such as finishing touches and inspections, usually require an additional few weeks.

What is a Reasonable Renovation or Home Additions Timeframe?

You might have guessed that renovations, like any other remodeling project, hinge on the time and scope of the project. Multi-room remodels typically take between four to eight months, and once again do not include the design phase.

The timeline for home additions varies based on factors such as project size, complexity, and local regulations. The factors that you as a homeowner can influence are making decisions quickly and pivoting to make new ones when necessary. 

For home renovations, the initial process of planning, finalizing designs, and securing necessary permits tends to move quickly. Remember that permits are an essential part of the renovation process and cannot be skipped.

The actual renovation phase includes tasks such as demolition, structural work, and installations, which can range from two to seven months, depending on design choices, scheduling issues, surprises during the demolition phase, and unforeseen challenges.

How Soon Can I Start My Remodeling Project?

We highly recommend beginning your remodeling project as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delays and frustrations. Remember: a key part of the process is selecting a remodeler who knows the area, has years of experience, and is familiar with the ins and outs of your local building permits. That's why at Forward Design Build Remodel, we offer Terra Knoll, our new rental home exclusively available to our clients during the construction phase. Terra Knoll provides a stress-free accommodation option conveniently located near Ann Arbor's key destinations, ensuring your comfort and convenience throughout the remodeling journey.

The factors that influence the duration of your remodeling project will often delay you long enough. The scope of the project and the speed at which you make decisions both impact your remodeling project’s duration.

If your project includes cabinets or custom build-outs, you will have a longer timeline. But the most important factor is which contract you choose, their schedule, and how well they adhere to that schedule. That’s why choosing Ann Arbor’s premier remodeler, Forward Design Build Remodel, is so crucial for your success.

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